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——————————— September 17, 2018 - Monday 17, September 2018 ———————————
société - écologie -

Cyril Dion est un marchand d’illusions. Il réconforte les angoissés qui craignent de perdre leur mode de vie confortable et le mal nommé progrès parce qu’ils sont aussi aveugles que lui quant à leurs réalités, et déculpabilise à bon compte tous ceux qui vivent un peu mal le fait qu’elle détruise la planète en leur assurant que la société technologique moderne peut tout à fait devenir écolobio. Il le dit très bien lui-même. Son principal souci consiste à « conserver le meilleur de la civilisation » et non pas à défendre le monde naturel contre les innombrables destructions qu’impliquent la civilisation industrielle et son inexorable expansion. Le monde naturel, la planète, est secondaire, il s’agit de la préserver « au mieux ». Ce qui est littéralement cinglé. La santé de la biosphère devrait évidemment être primordiale. D’autant que, répétons-le, le meilleur de la civilisation n’est que nuisances.

Son discours peut se résumer en une phrase : mais si, croyez-moi, il est possible d’avoir une civilisation industrielle écologique et démocratique, d’avoir des zavions écolos, des zautomobiles écolos, des routes écolos, etc. Un conte pour enfant immature et une utopie indésirable, que la moindre analyse des systèmes de pouvoirs qui caractérisent la civilisation, des implications des technologies complexes et des industries dont il souhaite la continuation, dissiperait instantanément.

solar -

Behavior of solar panels: MPPT: Maximum Power Point Tracking
" So, going back to the curve: If I try to draw more than whatever the peak power of my panels are (in current conditions), the voltage (and power) collapses. If I tried to pull 2A out of my morning panels when they were facing east and only able to source 1.3A, the voltage would collapse to 0V and the power would drop to zero. What if I try to pull 2A out of them when they're swung out and able to produce 7.4A? Well, I can pull 2A for as long as I want."

"A typical grid tied solar system is built with microinverters. These are a combination MPPT tracker and inverter for each solar panel, normally in the 280-320W range, though that's creeping up with time as panel output increases. The output from these synchronizes with the grid - typically 120VAC and 60Hz, in the US. However, they're very simple devices. They don't have onboard frequency generation - they can only work when given a voltage waveform to synchronize against. They also only work at maximum power point - that's their whole point, and when the grid is up, they're connected to what is, from the perspective of a microinverter, an infinite sink. So they sit there, finding the maximum power point, and hammering amps out onto whatever waveform the grid is feeding them."

And, batteries are expensive.

ai - ia -

Les rêves appliqués au machine learning (un modèle qui "hallucine" et prédit le futur, l'autre qui joue dans ce monde prédit, et apprend).


"So in order to be ethical, in order to be moral, in order to be decent, in order to be kind, in order to have a society that's functional, in order to even tell if your technology is working well or not, you have to grant a specialness to that thing we call a person. And that's what I mean by humanism. "

"When you do things by committee, even if you think you’ll get something more inclusive, you inevitably end up with an institutional quality that excludes anybody who doesn't fit the rigid model that brought the committee together. So these abstractions that bring people together, like markets, voting, and perhaps the internet, they only work for single-parameter investigations. And they only work if each person is a genuine individual with their own perspectives, their own earned knowledge of the world, their own legitimate separation from each other. "
